Ashley Anderson says this showcase includes a delightful collection of thrillers, comedies, fear, and surprises.

Short films allow audiences to immerse themselves in new worlds and ideas in small bursts. We’ve chosen to highlight four films from the Tennessee and Regional Filmmakers showcase at Chattanooga Film Festival that demonstrated a love for horror and genre filmmaking. Within this collection of shorts, there are monstrous thrillers, comedies, fear, and surprises.
The Monster Inside takes a common illness and turns it on its head. Written and directed by Ashley Hammelman, the film follows a woman struggling with depression. Ella Mann delivers a compelling performance in the lead role. Depression isn’t a new subject to be explored in the realm of horror, but the manifestation of her inner demon is a toxic romantic ghost (Brad Belemjian). The story’s pacing is quick, working efficiently to build tension. The thriller recreates depression as a form of seductive beauty.
Bloody Knife Rating: 4
Roger Must Die is ridiculous in all of the best ways. The mature comedy with a delightful twist is written and directed by Allison Shrum. The film packs a hilarious punch that demands your attention. Beverly (Lindsey Akers) hates her husband (Taylor Novak), he’s the worst. So, what’s the solution? According to her best friend Suzette (Sara De La Haya), he has to die.
Bloody Knife Rating: 4
The Devil Will Run, written and directed by Noah Glenn, stars Bryce Thompson as Shah, a boy who is convinced that a hole in the ground in his backyard is where the devil resides. He struggles to find the courage to face his fear. The drama represents illogical childhood fears flawlessly through Shah’s journey, using comedic undertones. The film demonstrates extraordinary realism, making it that much more intriguing. The film also stars Princeton James, Posie Steinmetz, and Caleb Thompson.
Bloody Knife Rating: 3
Days Counted is written and directed by Chandler Gibson. It centers on an inmate (Simon Boughey) who recounts the brutal crime he committed years before. A ghost from his past visits him cementing that he’s haunted by what he’s done. There are some action scenes in the retelling, but generally, the philosophical tangent of The Prisoner throughout the majority of the film creates pacing issues. Frankly, it’s a bit of a drag, but the thriller boasts a surprising intensity. While the story itself is a slow burn, Christian Eaves’ photography is a beautiful highlight, along with the realistic wounds created by makeup effects artist Jessica Eubanks.
Bloody Knife Rating: 3
The Tennessee and Regional Filmmakers Showcase collection of short films screened at the Chattanooga Film Festival on June 23-28, 2022.